Saturday, November 5, 2011


As winter approaches, we wanted to provide Dylan some shelter. This box was just the first try, although I thought it was too small and he would not want to get into it. The picture proves me wrong. The cat was calmly resting in the box, but when he saw me with the camera, his curiosity did not allow him to stay.
Dylan, now, has his winter fur.

Como se acerca el invierno, queríamos darle a Dylan un refugio. Esta caja era solo el primer intento, aunque yo pensaba que era demasiado pequeña y que no querría meterse en ella. La foto demuestra que estaba equivocada. El gato estaba descansando tranquilamente en la caja, pero cuando me vio con la cámara, su curiosidad no le dejó quedarse.
Dylan, ahora, tiene su pelaje invernal.

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